How to Create an “About Me” Page That Entices Your Visitors

When the internet became what is on of the best online markets of the world, many new shops and salesmen would bloom and little by little people would more and more buy useful (or most times useless) stuff online. It is certain that most of us have at least once bought something online. What is even more certain is that we all have given a second thought on whether we should buy something from a local shop and not buy it online.

Why Are People Afraid Of Buying Online ?

This reaction is actually very natural and resides in the fact that people are skeptical on actually trusting online identities. Picture yourself. Would you go give about giving your credit card number to a very new website that has just opened up, even if you really liked a certain product ? Not likely. Of course, it is very sensible that people are afraid of being tricked by the various online scammers and are really thinking before deciding on whether they have spotted a good buying spot or not.

How People’s Fear Of Buying Online Relates To Your About Page ?

You may have created a website in order to promote a product or service. Even if this is not the case, there is still something that you are selling on your visitor. That is, yourself. You may not have the straight urge to convince your reader to buy goods, but you still have the urge to convince them to read your material relate to you subconsciously.

When a newcomer arrives at your website and begins to read your posts, there are actually two possibilities. The most common one is that they just skim through your post, casually checking some other posts too and then leaving your website. That is really typical and happens often, but there is also a chance that they liked your content more than your casual visitor and are now checking your website a bit more thoroughly.

Even though nobody is really interested in the actual person beyond the text being read, everybody is interested in this person’s expertise. Moreover, and more importantly, a visitor actually sees the person behind the website as a new online “mentor” and possible friend. If you get people to accept you like you are one such person, you will really be getting more loyal readers.

When it comes to actually making the sale, a good online identity really matters. People do not buy from anonymoys persons. When you want to really entice them, you not only have to introduce to them but also be your real self.

5 Rules On How To Structure Your About Page

Your About page is the connection of yourself and your website’s content. Failure to do it correctly may result in people not feeling cozy with your writings and generally keeping a distance from you and your posts. There are 5 important rules on creating a nice about page that will help you better relate wto your visitors :

  1. Carefully Choose The “About ..” Title

By this, i mean the actual link to your about page. While a title like “about the author” is acceptable, a title like “about me” is not. The problem with the latter one is that it focuses on yourself. Remember, nobody is interested in you. They are interested in the author. Not the actual author, but the authoritative writings.

  1. Always Provide a Real Photograph of Yourself

This is probably the most important thing to do. In order to present yourself to others, an image of yourself is the best choice. Make sure that you do not use a fake one because this can really hit you back.

  1. Describe Why You Are Knowledgeable on The Topic

If people want to know why they should read on your what you have to say, give them a reason to. Explain why you are knowledgeable on the area. Do not boast about it. Just refer to your experience without other comments on your personal deeds.

  1. Provide Contact Information

It would be a nice idea to provide contact information to your visitors so that they can easily reach you. Tell them about your twitter or facebook account, maybe also create a contact form. Relate to your visitors in order to get their precious feedback.

  1. Provide Your Real Credentials

Do not pretend to be somebody else and do not give a fake identity because sooner or later people will understand and your status will be seriously hurt. In order to be online present, you really have to be you.

Upon doing these, i can really promise that you will get more people “buying” from you. Whether this is about buying products, service or your plain writings. Do not underestimate the power of socializing, because it is really what the online internet marketing is actually about.

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